Speed up Blogspot page loading with DNS Prefetch
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In general, they add improvements to the actual, perceivable performance of the visitor. Each time a browser needs to connect to a new DNS domain, there must be a resolution. This is where the browser goes through the process of querying the domain name server to find the IP address or the location of the domain name on the Internet.
how to increase blogger speed
how to improve website loading speed
DNS Prefetch is a way to resolve the DNS of a particular domain name. Sometimes we use external image/js / CSS etc .. links in the website and it affects website load time.
By using DNS Prefetch, You can reduce the external link load time. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add DNS Prefetch to the Blogspot site and to speed up our Blogger.
By using DNS Prefetch, You can reduce the external link load time. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add DNS Prefetch to the Blogspot site and to speed up our Blogger.
Instructions to add DNS Prefetch to Blogspot
Step 1: You log in to blogger to find topic >> edit HTML.
Step 2 : You insert the following HTML tags after the <head> tag
<! - DNS Prefetch -><link href = '// 1.bp.blogspot.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// 2.bp.blogspot.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// 3.bp.blogspot.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// 4.bp.blogspot.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.blogger.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// fonts.googleapis.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// use.fontawesome.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// ajax.googleapis.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// resources.blogblog.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.facebook.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// plus.google.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// twitter.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.youtube.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// feedburner.google.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.pinterest.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.linkedin.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// feeds.feedburner.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// github.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// player.vimeo.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// platform.twitter.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// apis.google.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// connect.facebook.net' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// cdnjs.cloudflare.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.google-analytics.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// pagead2.googlesyndication.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// googleads.g.doubleclick.net' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.gstatic.com' rel = 'preconnect' /><link href = '// www.googletagservices.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// static.xx.fbcdn.net' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// tpc.googlesyndication.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// syndication.twitter.com' rel = 'dns-prefetch' /><link href = '// www.blogger.com/openid-server.g' rel = 'openid.server' /><link expr: href = 'data: blog.homepageUrl' rel = 'openid.delegate' /><link expr: href = 'data: blog.url' rel = 'canonical' /><b: if cond = 'data: blog.searchLabel'><link expr: href = 'data: label.url' rel = 'canonical' />
Step 3: Save the topic and visit Google page speed insights to check again.
Blogspot template today almost all designers are using this DNS Prefetch to speed up page loading for it. Hope this article will help you.