Synthesize anti-copy code, anti-view the most complete website source code for blogspot
anti-copy code,no copy and paste text,how to disable copy paste in blogger,disable cut copy paste in javascript,disable mouse right click cut copy and
In fact, there is no radical measure against whether the website source code or anti-copy because it is a feature for programmers. However, we can restrict the view of source code by using javascript.
disable mouse right click cut copy and paste using javascript
This trick is quite simple you just need to insert 1 js before the closing </body> tag
<script type = 'text / javascript'> // <! [CDATA [shortcut = {all_shortcuts: {},add: function (a, b, c) {var d = {type: "keydown",propagate:! 1,disable_in_input:! 1,target: document,keycode:! 1};if (c)for (var e in d) "undefined" == typeof c [e] && (c [e] = d [e]);else c = d;d =, "string" == typeof && (d = document.getElementById (, a = a.toLowerCase (), e = function (d) {d = d || window.event;if (c.disable_in_input) {var e; e = d.srcElement && (e = d.srcElement), 3 == e.nodeType && (e = e.parentNode);if ("INPUT" == e.tagName || "TEXTAREA" == e.tagName) return}d.keyCode? code = d.keyCode: d.which && (code = d.which), e = String.fromCharCode (code) .toLowerCase (), 188 == code && (e = ","), 190 == code && ( e = ".");var f = a.split ("+"),g = 0,h = {"" ":" ~ ",first: "!",2: "@",3: "#",4: "$",5: "%",6: "^",7: "&",8: "*",9: "(",0: ")","-": "_","=": "+",";": ":","'":' "',",": "<",".": ">","/": "?","\\": "|"},i = {esc: 27,escape: 27,tab: 9,space: 32,"return": 13,enter: 13,backspace: 8,scrolllock: 145,scroll_lock: 145,scroll: 145,capslock: 20,caps_lock: 20,caps: 20,numlock: 144,num_lock: 144,num: 144,pause: 19,"break": 19,insert: 45,home: 36,"delete": 46,end: 35,pageup: 33,page_up: 33,pu: 33,pagedown: 34,page_down: 34,pd: 34,left: 37,up: 38,right: 39,down: 40,f1: 112,f2: 113,f3: 114,f4: 115,f5: 116,f6: 117,f7: 118,f8: 119,f9: 120,f10: 121,f11: 122,f12: 123},j =! 1,l =! 1,m =! 1,n =! 1,o =! 1,p =! 1,q =! 1,r =! 1;d.ctrlKey && (n =! 0), d.shiftKey && (l =! 0), d.altKey && (p =! 0), d.metaKey && (r =! 0);for (var s = 0; k = f [s], s <f.length; s ++) "ctrl" == k || "control" == k? (g ++, m =! 0): "shift" == k? (g ++, j =! 0): "alt" == k? (g ++, o =! 0): "meta" == k? (g ++, q =! 0): 1 <k.length? i [k] == code && g ++: c.keycode? c.keycode == code && g ++: e == k? g ++: h [e] && d.shiftKey && (e = h [e], e == k && g ++);if (g == f.length && n == m && l == j && p == o && r == q && (b (d),! c.propagate)) return d.cancelBubble =! 0, d .returnValue =! 1, d.stopPropagation && (d.stopPropagation (), d.preventDefault ()),! 1}, this.all_shortcuts [a] = {callback: e,target: d,event: c.type}, d.addEventListener? d.addEventListener (c.type, e,! 1): d.attachEvent? d.attachEvent ("on" + c.type, e): d ["on" + c.type] = e},remove: function (a) {var a = a.toLowerCase (),b = this.all_shortcuts [a];delete this.all_shortcuts [a];if (b) {var a = b.event,c =,b = b.callback;c.detachEvent? c.detachEvent ("on" + a, b): c.removeEventListener? c.removeEventListener (a, b,! 1): c ["on" + a] =! 1}}}, shortcut.add ("Ctrl + U", function () {top.location.href = " xxx "}), shortcut.add ("F12", function () {top.location.href = " xxx "}), shortcut.add ("Ctrl + Shift + I", function () {top.location.href = " xxx "}), shortcut.add ("Ctrl + S", function () {top.location.href = " xxx "}), shortcut.add ("Ctrl + Shift + C", function () {top.location.href = " xxx "});var message = "NoRightClicking";function defeatIE () {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}}function defeatNS (e) {if (document.layers || (document.getElementById &&! document.all)) {if (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3) {(message);return false;}}}if (document.layers) {document.captureEvents (Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown = defeatNS;} else {document.onmouseup = defeatNS;document.oncontextmenu = defeatIE;}document.oncontextmenu = new Function ("return false")//]]> </script>
The functionality of this code includes
- Anti-right mouse
- Redirect when detecting a user using a shortcut
In which you need to change xxx to the redirect link as you like, you can also add unlimited shortcuts by serialization in the above code.
You can also use setInterval to interfere with the debugging process by adding the following code:
<script type = 'text / javascript'> // <! [CDATA [setInterval (function () {debugger;}, first);//]]> </script>
* Bonus : Also you can use some of the following tricks to prevent post copy and block simple shortcuts by jquery and css
Code against left mouse
<style type = 'text / css'>body {-webkit-touch-callout: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;-o-user-select: none;user-select: none;}</style>
Code against right mouse
<script type = 'text / javascript'>// <! [CDATA [// JavaScript Documentvar message = "NoRightClicking"; function defeatIE () {if (document.all) {(message); return false;}} function defeatNS (e) {if (document.layers || (document.getElementById &&! document.all)) {if (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3) {(message); return false;}}} if (document.layers) {document.captureEvents (Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown = defeatNS;} else {document. onmouseup = defeatNS; document.oncontextmenu = defeatIE;} document.oncontextmenu = new Function ("return false")//]]></script>
Code against Ctrl + U, anti viewsourse, anti F12
You copy the code below and paste it into the closing </head> tag<script src = 'http: //'/><script type = 'text / javascript'>checkCtrl = false $ (& # 39; * & # 39;). keydown (function (e) {if (e.keyCode == & # 39; 17 & # 39;) {checkCtrl = false}}). keyup (function (ev) {if (ev.keyCode == & # 39; 17 & # 39;) {checkCtrl = false}}). keydown (function (event) {if (checkCtrl) {if (event.keyCode == & # 39; 85 & # 39;) {return false; }}})</script>
Anti-click on images
You copy the code below and paste it into the closing </body> tag<script type = 'text / javascript'>$ ('body'). on ('contextmenu', 'img', function (e) {return false;});</script>
Block shortcuts but do not redirect
<script type = 'text / javascript'> // <! [CDATA [checkCtrl = false;$ ('*'). keydown (function (e) {if (e.keyCode == '17') {checkCtrl = false}}) .keyup (function (ev) {if (ev.keyCode == '17') {checkCtrl = false}}) .keydown (function (event) {if (checkCtrl) {if (event.keyCode == '85') {return false;}}})//]]> </script>
Finally add the attribute onkeydown = "return false" to the body, for example <body onkeydown = "return false" ...>