[new method] how to make facebook account private

you don't want others to see your Facebook profile and activity, you can make your Facebook private by changing your settings to "Only me." Reuters If you don't want others to see your Facebook profile and activity, you can make your Facebook private by changing your settings to "Only me."

Facebook is one shop when it comes to online communication. Not only are we able to interact with colleagues, classmates, friends, and family,

we can also play games, take to Instagram, interact with community groups and people who share similar things, and more. It only takes a few minutes to secure your account and it can be helpful to do so. Here's what you need to know.

how to make facebook account private

2. Once you find your news, which serves as your home screen, drag the arrow to the top right corner of the screen, and click on it to open the drop-down menu of options. Jennifer Still / Business InsiderEnter into the privacy section of your Facebook settings. Jennifer Still / Business Insider Navigate to the private part of your Facebook settings.

5. Note that Facebook allows you to change your privacy settings for individual website features. This means you can change the privacy level of certain site features such as how you are located and contacted on the site, 

who can see your posts, and limit the viewership of your previous posts? Jennifer is still / Business Insider "I Only" is the most secure privacy setting available. 

Jennifer is still / Business Insider "I Only" is the most secure privacy setting available. 7. You can make your Facebook more private by changing who can tag you in posts, 

who can send you to your timeline, and who can share posts you make to their profiles. Options for this can be changed as above, or are located under the "Time and Mark" section on the left of the screen, below the "Security" option. Jennifer Still / Business Insider You can open the "Timeline and Tagging" section for more privacy options.

2. Tap on the three vertical lines inserted in the right corner of your screen to open the options menu, 

scroll until you get to the "Settings & Privacy" section. Jennifer Yet / Business InsiderTap on "Privacy Shortcuts." Jennifer is still / Business Insider Tap on "Privacy shortcuts." Jennifer is still / Business InsiderFor more privacy, change your visibility options to "Only me." Jennifer Still / Business Insider For more privacy, change your visibility options to "Only me."

6. Repeat step 5 for each option under "How people can find and connect with you" to finish making your Facebook information private.