11 Ways to Write Blog Posts Faster: Blogging for Beginners

running a blogging business does not 

necessary means that you love

writing blog posts

um writing a blog post is not the most

a boring task that we have when we run a

blogging business but

it is one of the more time consuming

things and it can feel kind of boring if

sitting down at a computer

and cranking out 3000 words is not

really your thing

in today's video, I've got a couple of

tips that can really help you conquer

those blog posts

hey really quick before we jump into

this video I wanted to let you know that

my blogging course blogging to win

is officially open for summer 2020

enrollment period

we have this course open for a couple of

weeks to new students

so if you are looking for a blogging

a course that is one affordable and

two can really help you build the

foundation for a profitable blogging


then head on over to bloggingtowin.com

before this enrollment period closes

once we close the doors we won't reopen

them again until the fall

so you don't want to miss your chance

all right back to the video

tip number one is instead of writing

your blog post just

talk your blog post out so I actually am

a better talker than I am

a writer I can write just fine I mean

I'm not terrible at it but

I enjoy talking more than I enjoy

writing so

something that I like to do is to sit

down and film the video for a blog post


or I will take like the voice memo app

on my iPhone and I'll just record

basically, what it is I want to write in

my blog post and then I'll just

re-listen to it later and then just type

everything out

it's okay to talk your blog posts

instead of writing it first

my second tip for you is to almost always use some form of a template

it's just easier to kind of tell yourself you just have to fill in the blanks

essentially not totally fill in the

blanks but essentially just do this this

this and this for a blog post if you

need some templates to check the link in

the description box below and I will

have a free handout for you that will be

really helpful

tip number three is to stop thinking of

it as a blog post think of it as

a lesson that you want to teach a

student so

when I think of running my blogging

the business I think of point a

and point b and all of the steps my

potential readers will have

to take between those two points so what

are the different things that I need to

teach them

when I sit down and I think of what I'm

going to say in this video and then the

a blog post that's going to come right

after it when I put it all together

i'm thinking okay so I want to teach

them certain things I want them to have

certain bullet points that they could

write down

what are those bullet points and what is
I want to teach them

and it just makes it so much easier to

pull together that blog post

tip number four always has a list of

blog post ideas on hand

now I don't just mean just like a

hashtag list like oh here's like

one keyword and two keywords and maybe

you'll throw that together

but if you don't have the exact blog

post-title pulled together to have


very very close and then just have a

list of all these different blog posts

that you potentially want to create and

a list of all these videos that you

potentially want to create

that way if you have 30 minutes because


happen to wake up earlier than your

children that day then you can just say

okay I've got 30 minutes to myself I'm

going to drink my cup of coffee

and I'm going to crank out as much as i

can for one particular blog post

what should it be let me look at my list

all right this is the one I'm going with

if you have a list of potential blog

post ideas already at your hand

or already at your fingertips, I was

going to say it's your hand

does that make sense I could if you

already have

a list of blog post ideas at your

fingertips then

half of the thinking has already been

done for you and so you can just

hit the road running

tip number five uses batch processing

I'm doing batch processing right now

I have a couple of different videos that

I need to film

edit and upload but instead of doing one

at a time where I film edit upload one

then film edit upload number two then

film edit upload number three

I'm gonna film all of them I'm gonna

edit all of them and then I'll upload

and schedule all of them

that way I'm batch processing and the

the reason I personally like to do this is


once I get in the zone and I'm in that

mood to like

film and I feel like all the words are

flowing freely and my brain is alive

well then I feel like I can film very

efficiently because I'm already kind of

in the mood to talk on camera and so the

same thing kind of applies to your blog


sit down write the outlines for a couple

of different ones

then fill in those outlines for a couple

of different ones then go back and edit

a couple of those and then

publish and then schedule the rest of

they just work in batches

and you'll find yourself working a

little more efficiently

tip number six is really dependent on

your budget but if you can afford to do


hire out some of the time consuming

tasks so there are a lot of things that

we have to do as a blogging business


some of them are really time-consuming

and more administrative than anything


and those are the kind of tasks that you

want to hire out

publishing on Pinterest is a really good

example of that i

can do it but it's very time consuming

and if I have it in the budget where i

can hire

somebody to help me with that then I'm

spending less time on something that

is not involved with some of the larger

blogging business strategies I can't

have somebody sit in front of a camera

and film

a video for one of my products because

duh I have to be the one to do that but

I can hire somebody to maybe

go through and edit some content or

maybe look at some copy or create some

copy for me that way

some of those other tasks that I don't

have to be there for

kind of being handed off to someone else

and I can hire out that job

and then that frees up time for me to

really focus on the

strategy heavy important stuff that i

have to be present for

tip number seven is to clearly identify

your audience

so if you're writing your blog posts for


then technically you're kind of writing

your blog posts for nobody

you have to have a very specific

audience in mind because that's going to

help you with the writing process

a really good example is let's say that

I just want to be a food blogger

well there's a lot of food out there

there's a lot of things I could write


okay so we got to get a little more

specific here let's talk about

paleo recipes for families on a tight


wow that's a specific niche right and

that's awesome because it makes

the blog post writing process a heck of

a lot easier for us

we know exactly how we want to angle the

posts so that we can reach a specific


we know exactly the kind of answers that

we should be providing for the different

questions that they might have from

their particular perspective it's not

necessarily like you're trying to leave

anybody out

it's just smart business you have to be

targeting a very specific audience and

you have to be meeting somebody's

specific needs

and so if you can identify who your

audience is then

it makes the whole process of writing

that blog post so much easier because

you know who you're writing for

and so the writing comes a lot easier

for you

tip number eight is to eliminate your


you have to sit down and have an honest

talk with yourself I have to do the same

with myself,  when you get on

youtube you watch one video

and then another and then another and

then another and like you have

no self-control so if you're gonna get

any work was done today

your iPad your iPhone everything has to

be out of the office

you have to shut the door and you have

to tell yourself that you're not going

to check

email Youtube Instagram Facebook none of

if you're going to stay far away from it

in fact, I'm so hard on myself that i

don't even have like the Facebook app on

my iPhone

it's deleted completely so if you ever

try to

if my family ever tries to reach out to

me it's like the worst thing ever and i

feel like a bad relative but i

probably won't see it until I actually

take the time to go log into Facebook


but that's the whole point I have a real

conversation with myself

I know that my weakness is social media

and youtube

and so I have to stay far away from it

eliminating your distractions doesn't

sound like it's actually directly

related to

blog posts themselves but it is very

strongly indirectly related to it


if you find yourself distracted because

you're binge-watching Netflix or doing

something else

it's taking time away from the core or

one of the core pieces of your blogging

business and that is

your blog post

my ninth tip is to write first and then

edit last

so obviously you're going to want to

just write out the first draft of your

blog post and then

wait to edit it at the end now this

makes sense right

this sounds like an obvious one but i

I will find myself kind of like

writing out an email to my subscribers

and I'm writing writing writing and then

I'm like oh I misspelled something

let me go back and fix that really quick

and it kind of breaks up

that flow that I have going once you get

on a flow

once you start writing it does not

matter does not look at your spelling

don't look at your grammar don't look at


format of the way you have it placed out

you can fix all of those things

afterward when you are writing that

the first draft of your blog post

all you're focusing on is getting all

your thoughts onto that keyboard

and just out as quickly as possible you

can make it look pretty later

and I know it's going to kill you a

a little bit to ignore a misspelled word

but just ignore it for now and you can

fix it the whole point is to let

yourself just

flow as freely as possible until you get

all those thoughts out

trust me when I say you will write the way

more efficiently this way

my 10th tip is to simply put yourself on

a timer

so thinking of sitting down and writing

a 3 000 word blog post

is kind of overwhelming if I tell myself

I have to write a 3 000 blog post in

one sitting it's not going to happen

I'm not going to do it so it's okay to

tell yourself okay

I'm going to sit down for 20 minutes and

when my timer goes off

I'm going to give myself permission to

just walk away from it

and then later on when I have some more

downtime I'm going to put the timer on

for 20 minutes

and then when the timer goes off again

I'm going to walk away from it

it kind of takes a little bit of the

stress off and I find that

sometimes even myself my blogging

students but even I will do this

or I will do this I will know

that I have a task that I need to


but because I know that it's probably

going to take me about an hour of my


I'm less likely to just sit down and

tackle a little piece of it

but if I know that all I have to do is

work for 20 minutes 20 minutes

well then you know I'm like well all

right fine I'll just do it I'll just sit

down for 20 minutes

now if you feel like you don't even have

20 minutes to your name

think about how easy it is to kind of

sit down and scroll through Instagram

and catch up

so you have 20 minutes to yourself you

just have to find and identify where you


kind of take that pocket of time and

give it back to yourself

my 11th tip for you is to always solve

some sort of problem in your blog post


as you write these blog posts it can be

kind of hard to see what your objective


and when that happens it's because

you're not really solving any sort of

clear problem or you're not answering

any sort of specific

question so anytime you sit down to

write a blog post

ask yourself what is my main objective

in this blog post

what am I teaching them or what answer

am I giving them

what question am I answering and then

when you can identify whatever it is

then you'll write much more freely one

of the biggest issues of actually

completing any sort of blog post is

simply the fact that you're not quite

sure where you're going

and so it's okay to like let things

flow very freely and you want to get as

many words as you can out onto the piece

of paper but

once you finally go back and you're

editing everything and you're making it

look pretty

you have to ask yourself what you're main

the objective was because if you don't know

the answer to that you're never going to

actually, get to

publish that blog post because you're

always going to feel like it's not ready

and your hunch is right

it's not ready because you're not

answering any sort of specific question

or solving any sort of specific problem

for your readers hit the like button if

you guys enjoyed this I appreciate every

single like every single comment

and don't forget to hit that subscribe

button and ring the little bell right

next to it so you don't miss anything

as always you guys

I will see you

next time
