12 Reasons why no one reads your blogs

please don't get mad at me but if you

have ever felt like

people just aren't following your blog

maybe other than your mother

then I've got 12 different reasons why

that might be happening so

in this video, I'm gonna talk about why

no one's following your blog

okay really quick before we jump into

this video I wanted to let you know that

my blogging course blogging to win

is officially open for summer 2020

enrollment period

we have this course open for a couple of

weeks to new students

so if you are looking for a blogging

a course that is one affordable

and two can really help you build the

foundation for

a profitable blogging business then head

on over to bloggingtowin.com before this

enrollment period closes

once we close the doors we won't reopen

them again until the fall

so you don't want to miss your chance

all right back to the video

the first reason no one may be following

your blog is because you write about too

many different things

so when somebody lands on your website

they have to quickly

identify you as someone who is an expert

in a certain field

so if you write about you know mommyhood

and travel

and food and exercise those are

too many different topics it's not that

you're not good at writing about those


I bet that you're probably really great

at writing about them and

you would be good going in any different

direction however

if you've been blogging less than two

years then you have

thousands upon thousands of bloggers who

have been blogging for 10 years

already marching ahead of you so they

already have a bit of a leg up

and the competition for you is really

steep so for you to really

stand out you have

got to make sure that you choose one

the specific niche that you write about

the second reason is that perhaps the

the niche that you've chosen

just isn't specific enough so again

going back to the example of how

you know your newer blogger coming onto

the scene of people who have been

blogging for a decade

you know they already have that like

established audience

they have the google juice to you know

make sure that their blog posts show up

in results

and so they already have this huge

following that they can harness to

really see all of their different blogs


now the important thing for you is to

make sure that you choose a very

specific niche

so you can't just be a mommy blogger

anymore you've got to be more specific

than that because

let's be honest there are a ton of mommy

bloggers out there

so what is unique about you and what

specifically, do you write about

choose a niche within a niche so don't

just be a mommy blogger

be a homeschooling mommy blogger or a

special needs mommy blogger or

you know breastfeeding mommy blogger

or something like that you know you have

to choose a very specific

category underneath your niche in order

to really give yourself a leg up

if you don't want to do this that's fine

but it can be harder for your blog to

get traction

if you aren't identifying and

establishing yourself as an authority in

a very specific area

so if you need some help with

identifying what specific type of niche

you want to go into

I actually have a list of over like 160

different blog niche ideas

and they're very specific you won't find

just mommy blogger on that list there

you're going to find

something or different categories within

mommy blogger to kind of help you choose

something more specific so

if you're interested in that I'll leave

it linked down below

the third reason is that your content

isn't really teaching anyone anything in


so I don't like to look at my blogging

business as

me just creating videos and blog posts i

look at

every single piece of content as an

opportunity for me to teach something

or to answer a specific question so

every time somebody reads a blog post or

watches one of your videos

they should leave feeling like they

learned something or they were inspired

by something

the fourth reason could be that maybe

your content

isn't that great and hey when we all

start out

I'll be honest with you all of our

content stinks

we don't know what the heck we're doing

so it's okay if your content stinks

right now

but you've got to keep practicing and

practicing until you figure out how to

write the best blog post

or create the best videos make sure that

every single blog post every single


teaches something to inspire something to make

sure that you're very clear

and concise in the way that you teach

something make sure that you're very

organized that you kind of

outline what it is you're going to say

here's what I'm going to say in the

beginning to as an introduction

here's step one two three four five and

here's what I'll say

in conclusion, I mean when you have an

outline like that it's very specific

it's very easy to understand and they

can consume that information in little

bite-size pieces which make it easy

for them so just keep practicing on your


if you're creating videos keep filming

until you feel you finally have gotten

it right

some of my beginner videos please don't

go watch them because they're so

cringe-worthy it's like ugh I didn't

even know what the heck I was doing but

I had to start somewhere and you just

have to keep practicing writing blog

posts and creating videos until you

finally, get it

the fifth reason could be that when

people land on your website

you look more like a hobby blogger than

you do like a business

and so the thing about this is you

really want to make sure that you're

very organized and that all of your


works together so as

somebody who talks about running a

blogging business it would be a bad

the decision for me to

toss up like a freebie or a product

that's all about

eating on the paleo diet

number one for the obvious reason i

don't know how to do that so

that would be a bad choice for me but

for the main reason I that doesn't have

anything to do with running a blogging

business so

I have no business throwing up a paleo

the product when that's not really on brand

for me

so when you put together your website

really make sure that everything

coordinates and clicks and makes sense

you don't want to write about knitting

and then

create a food blogger product

that doesn't make sense they have

nothing to do with each other so it

makes it

look like you're probably more like a

hobby blogger than you are a blogging

business owner

make sure you take the business approach

to ensure that everything within your

blogging business is really working


and giving you a more professional vibe


the sixth reason could be that you're

not very consistent

now hey I'm a stay-at-home mom or a

work-at-home mom and so i

a thousand percent understand that

there's just no such thing as like a

normal schedule every single day

unless you have like a nanny or you know

you have some help around you

but the thing here is is that you can't

post post

post and then take a sabbatical for

like eight months

it's just not very consistent so you

want to try as much as you possibly can

to be fairly consistent

with as often as you publish content or

send out emails to your email


the seventh reason could be that you're

not using very good

keywords now by keywords I mean if you

are using google's keyword planner and

you are trying to find which keywords to

use your inclination might be to

pick up the ones that have really high

search volume

you know people are looking for this

like a million times a month

but on the flip side of that, you have to

look at the competition

so is the competition really high that

maybe a good keyword but is every other

blogger under the planet using that one

as well

so that may not be a good keyword for

you to use

instead, a savvier approach would be to

find keywords that are

maybe on the lower end of the volume

number but

also, have low competition those are the

keywords that you might want to use that

the way you can try to get that first page

spot when it comes to

ranking in google

the eighth reason could be I'm sorry but

you're not using video in your blogging

business how people get so irritated

when I talk about this because they're

like I want to be a blogger

I don't want to be a YouTuber I don't

want you to be a YouTuber either

I want you to run a blogging business so

if you want to run a blogging business

you've got to be savvy with the tools

that you use to really harness the power


lifting and taking off with your

a platform so you have to think of it this


video is really important for two main

reasons in particular

number one it humanizes your brand so

you're gonna have

a much easier time remembering

if you hear me talking and you see my

hand gestures and you're like ah she's

you know

mildly funny but if you read a blog post

that I've written

and you just saw my words but you

couldn't even hear like the inflections

in my voice

it's just kind of harder to remember who

I am so

if you can see somebody talking on

camera it's way easier to

kind of connect with them as a human and

look at them as

yes a business but something that's a

little more personal something that you

can connect to

now the second reason video is so so

important is because I use video

kind of like I use google so when i

write a blog post

I'm hoping that they show up in google

Search results

when I create a video I'm hoping that it

shows up in

youtube search results so I don't think

that youtube and google are the same

thing by any means or any stretch of the


but I kind of use them in very similar


so people will often times find my


because they did a search and then they

saw my video pop

up in this google search results so then

they go to the video and then they

realize i have a website and so they

find their way back to my website so i

use videos as a chance to

kind of harness the power of the youtube

the platform that is sometimes used

like a search engine for many many


the ninth reason could be that your blog

posts are not very easy to read

textbooks are boring at least to me and

guys i'm a huge nerd so if i find

textbooks boring

then i can guarantee that all the cool

people out there they're gonna find them

very boring as well

so the important thing to keep in mind

when you're writing your blog posts

is break them up to don't have these like


10 sentence paragraphs it's not the

proper way

i know and your English teacher from

high school is probably cringing

but that's just not the best way to

write a blog post if you really want

people to come back for more

and to enjoy their time while they

consume your information

when you break things up and you have

tons of bullet points you keep your


fairly short you have videos you have

you know pictures in there

well now the blog post is broken up and

so it's a lot softer on the eyes and

it's easier to read through

the tenth reason people may not be

following your blog is your site kind of


so there are a couple of things that can

go into creating a really awful

website the first could be speed if it

takes really really really long for your

site to load

uh that's a total bummer and honestly

people are going to get bored if they

don't know who you are they're not going

to wait around for your site to finally


so you want to try to keep things

running as fast as possible

the second thing could be that it's just

hard to navigate sometimes I'll land on

a website and it looks

stunning the design is just gorgeous

but man I can't find what I'm looking

to save my life and i

never go back to that website because

it's hard to navigate

make sure that you have a search bar

somewhere make sure that you have the


kind of line out for them to easily get

through make sure you have different

links that you're

utilizing the menu make sure that you've

got your blog posts

kind of sorted out by sub-subcategories

that way if they are looking for

something specific underneath your niche

then they can easily find it

you want to keep things as easy to

navigate as possible

the 11th reason could be that you're not

focusing on the small following that you

already have

so this is a mistake that i sometimes

see happen to some of my

students or my followers and it is that

they're so focused on hitting that big

number of followers

that they kind of neglect the people

that are already kind of following them

and when you feel like you're not really

valued because you're not

you're just one of a hundred instead of

one of a million

you're less likely to come back because

you don't want to become a fan

of someone who's so focused on the final

money figure or who's so focused on

that final number of subscribers or

whatever it is whatever stat they're

looking for

so you want to make sure that even if

you have 10

people following you and none of them

are actually related to you

that you value those 10 people that you

email them because they're important


your first email subscriber that's not

your mom is

just as important as your 10 000


so keep that in mind and really value

the people that you already have

following you

the 12th and last reason that people

might not be following you is because

maybe you're not promoting on the right

channels for your particular

the audience so there are a lot of different

ways that we can promote our blog post


there's Instagram Facebook and Pinterest

and tick-tock and I could go on and on

and on

but the important thing is you've got to

become really good at just a few of

those things

there's no need for you to become an

expert at all of them in fact i

definitely don't recommend you try to do

that because you'll just

be spreading yourself too thin so what i

like to do like my personal preference


i focus on just a few main things i'll

focus on youtube i'll focus on

pinterest and i'll focus on google i use

google for search engine results for my

blog posts

i use youtube for my videos which

eventually lead back to my website

and then i use pinterest which will lead

to videos or blog posts it just depends

and then those are just the main things

that i focus on because those channels

work really well for me

it's got the audience that i'm targeting

so i know that i'm not

putting content and effort into a

platform where my audience isn't even

really hanging out

and they're very effective so instead of

focusing on just building raving fans on

youtube and pinterest they give me the

opportunity because you can click

different links and i can include links

back to my website and i can talk about

how you can find stuff back at my

website that gives me the opportunity to

kind of lead them back to

my website that way i'm not just

building the platform

on that social media platform or i'm not

just building a huge list of followers

on that social media platform, I want to

be able to bring them back to my website

and get them

on my email list i know this was a long

video but i hope you found it helpful

i wanted to just make a list of some of

the things that i see

that could be tweaked or changed if

people feel like they're just not

getting a lot of followers on their


leave a comment down below if one of

these really resonated with you and you

just had that aha moment where you're

like wow

that is what I've been doing I'm so glad

I will see you

next time
